Eisenhower administration project : oral history, 1962-1972.


Eisenhower administration project : oral history, 1962-1972.

This project has gathered firsthand testimony from those who played major roles in the Eisenhower Administration (1953-1961), as well as the recollections of observers and of those knowledgeable about special aspects. In addition to General Dwight D. Eisenhower and members of his family, the list of participants below includes members of the White House staff, cabinet members, political advisers, members of Congress, administrators, scientists, journalists, ambassadors, military and civilian specialists, and others in a position to testify about trends and events of the period. Among topics well documented are the Republican conventions and campaigns of 1952 and 1956, the functioning of White House advisers and staff, the President's relations with his cabinet, the functioning of the Bureau of the Budget and various independent agencies, relations with the press, scientific developments, and other special aspects too numerous to mention, the whole interlaced with anecdotes about major and minor episodes in public life in the 1950s. A series of interviews done in Little Rock, Arkansas, on the school integration crisis there is of particiular interest. In addition to memoirs done under Columbia's aegis, the series includes twelve donated by Professor Herbert S. Parmet, who conducted them in preparing his EISENHOWER AND THE AMERICAN CRUSADES (Macmillan, 1972), and sixty-eight thus far acquired from the Eisenhower Library through an exchange agreement whereby both institutions share oral history transcripts about Eisenhower, his family, career and administration, under identical restrictions. These acquisitions explain the fact that, in the listing that follows, some names are repeated with different pages numbers (and in some instances different restrictions) after each. Participants, pagination, and restrictions: Elie Abel, 45 (certain pages closed); Helen Ackenhausen, 57 (permission required); Sherman Adams, 268; Sherman Adams, 50 (closed); Bertha S. Adkins, 72; George D. Aiken 31; H. Meade Alcorn, 159; Winthrop W. Aldrich, 38; T. Dale Alford, 32 (permission required); George V. Allen, 77; George V. Allen, 136; Joseph Alsop, 19; Dillon Anderson, 130; Jack Z. Anderson, 64; Robert B. Anderson, 27 (closed); J. Sinclair Armstrong, 125 (permission required); Levy J. Asper, 18; Allen V. Astin, 57 (permission required); Evan P. Aurand, 138; Henry S. Aurand, 34; Frederick W. Babbel, 169; James W. Barco, 1,061 (closed during lifetime); Ray W. Barker, 97; Rollin D. Barnard, 60; Edward L. Beach, 470 (permission required; certain pages closed during lifetime); J. Bill Becker, 33; Earl C. Behrens, 44; Jack L. Bell, 31; Stephen Benedict, 137 )permission required); Stephen Benedict, 33 (closed); Charles E. Bennett, 18; Ezra Taft Benson, 12; Andrew H. Berding, 38; John A. Bird, 39; J.W. Bishop, 115; Richard M. Bissell, 48; Douglas M. Black, 53; Harold Boeschenstein, 24; Charles E. Bohlen, 25; Robert R. Bowie, 51; Omar N. Bradley, 23; C.L. Brainard, 77; Karl Brandt, 69; Wiley A. Branton, 61; Vivion Brewer, 43; John W. Bricker, 40 (permission required); Ellis O. Briggs, 139; Wallace R. Brode, 51. Participants, pagination and restrictions continued: Herbert Brownell, 347; Herbert Brownell, 16; Herbert Brownell, 49; Samuel Brownell, 83; Percival F. Brundage, 52; Wiley T. Buchanan, 174 (closed until 1993); E. La Mar Buckner, 18; William A.M. Burden, 81; Carter Burgess, 40; Arleigh A. Burke, 249; James V. Burke, 53; Arthur E. Burns, 45; Prescott Bush, 454; Richard C. Butler, 46; Earl L. Butz, 51; Ralph Cake, 78; O. Hatfield Chilson, 54; Mark W. Clark, 91; Lucius D. Clay, Sr., 1,101; Lucius D. Clay, Sr., 113; Lucius D. Clay, Sr., 39 (closed); Lucius D. Clay, Jr., 25; Jacqueline Cochran, 257; Wilbur J. Cohen, 45 (permission required); Roy Cohn, 15 (closed); Clement Conger, 25 (permission required); Charles D. Cook, 658 (permission required); Howard A. Cook 16; Richard W. Cook, 73; Charles A. Coolidge, 35; William G. Cooper, Jr., 40; Kenneth Crawford, 26; Thomas B. Curtis, 46; John A. Danaher, 58; Noobar R. Danielian, 51; Harry Darby, 73 (permission required); Clarence A. Davis, 106 (permission required; certain pages closed); Wesley D'Ewart, 136; Thomas E. Dewey, 43; Edward T. Dicker, 32; C. Douglas Dillon 94 (permission required, certain pages closed); Robert J. Donovan, 51; James H. Douglas, Jr., 52; Lewis Douglas, 56; George Douthit, 48; William H. Draper, Jr., 18; Roscoe Drummond, 32; Eleanor L. Dulles, 973; Eleanor L. Dulles, 124; Donald A. Dumont, 76. Ed Edwin, 46 (permission required); Dwight D. Eisenhower, 114 (certain pages closed); Edgar Eisenhower, 117; John S.D. Eisenhower, 144 (permission required); John S.D. Eisenhower, 147 (permission required); Milton Eisenhower, 115; Milton Eisenhower, 55; Milton Eisenhower, 54; Edward L. Elson, 201; Edward L. Elson, 92; Ford Q. and Anita M. Elvidge, 47; Harold Engstrom, 61; Luther H. Evans, 34; Orval Faubus, 135; Robert H. Finch, 69; Leonard Firestone, 15; Ivan M. Fitzwater, 59; Ralph Flanders, 51; J. Clifford Folger, 42; Edward Folliard, 72; Marion B. Folsom, 163; Abram Forney, 18; Clarence Francis, 37; William B. Franke, 50; Howard Funk, 12; (permission required); Thomas S. Gates, Jr., 59; Thomas S. Gates, Jr., 38; James M. Gavin, 36 (permission required); Robert O. Gemmill, 87; Barry Goldwater, 85 (permission required); Andrew J. Goodpaster, 137; Arthur Gray, Jr., 32; Gordon Gray, 324; Gordon Gary, 58; Robert K. Gray, 38; Howard C. Green, 100; Peter Grimm, 32; Nat R. Griswold, 84; Ernest Gross, 984; Alfred M. Gruenther, 97 (permission required); Homer Gruenther, 107; Amis Guthridge, 27; L. Richard Guylay, 90; Louis M. Hacker, 38; James C. Hagerty, 569; James C. Hagerty, 109; Najeeb E. Halaby, 32; Leonard Hall, 59 (permission required); Leonard Hall, 24 (closed); Charles A. Halleck, 35; Robert E. Hampton, 57 (permission required); John W. Hanes, Jr., 27; D.B. Hardeman, 146; Raymond A. Hare, 114. Participants, pagination and restrictions continued: Bryce N. Harlow, 144; Karl G. Harr, Jr., 41; Wilson Harwood, 52; Gabriel Hauge, 130; Gabriel Hauge, 28 (closed); Brooks Hays, 165; Leonard D. Heaton, 80; Loy W. Henderson, 57; Hans von Herwarth, 4; Stephen Hess, 41; John Hightower, 41; Robert C. Hill, 105; Luther H. Hodges, 39; Eric Hodgins, 162; Leo A. Hoegh, 95 (permission required); Amory Houghton, 96 (permission required); John B. Hollister, 52; A.F. House, 43; Patricia House, 46; Katherine G. Howard, 600; Elizabeth Huckaby, 75; George M. Humphrey, 62 (closed); Joe Ingraham, 58; Joe Ingraham and H. Jack Porter, 177; Nettie Stover Jackson, 43; Albert Jacobs, 38; Neil H. Jacoby, 141; Jacob Javits, 15; Frederick Peterson Jessup, 105 (permission required); Jesse C. Johnson, 36; Roger W. Jones, 73; Len B. Jordan, 65; Walter H. Judd, 149; Walter H. Judd, 49; James T. Karam, 29 (permission required); Kenneth B. Keating, 126; Henry J. Kellerman, 23; David W. Kendall, 85 (permission required); Gordon Kidd, 108; James R. Killian, Jr., 400; Arthur A. Kimball, 103; Helen S. King, 29; George Kinnear, 47; Grayson Kirk, 59; Herbert G. Klein, 39 (permission required); Goodwin J. Knight, 94 (permission required); William F. Knowland, 170; Walter Kohler, Jr., 52; Robert L. Kunzig, 40; William S.B. Lacy, 20; James M. Lambie, Jr., 49; Alvin H. Lane, 39; Alvin H. Lane, 49; Sigurd S. Larmon, 92; William H. Lawrence, 37. Participants, pagination and restrictions continued: J. Bracken Lee, 70; William L. Lee, 482; Barry Leithead, 52; Lyman Lemnitzer, 64; John W. Leonard, 107; Orme Lewis, 54; R.A. Lile, 31; John Davis Lodge, 195; Mrs. Robert J. Long, 5; Mary Pillsbury Lord, 428; Robert A. Lovett, 21 (permission required); Clare Boothe Luce, 108; John Luter, 79; Eugene J. Lyons, 90; Charles V. McAdam, 62; Edward A. McCabe, 171; Kevin McCann, 158; Carl W. McCardle, 48; Nancy J. McCarty, 58; John J. McCloy, 47; John J. McCloy, 16; John A. McCone, 16; Alvin McCoy, 35 (permission required); James McCrory, 19 (permission required); John F. McDonnell, 59; Neil McElroy, 88; Edward Perkins McGuire, 97; Theodore R. McKeldin, 78; Sidney McMath, 31; Henry R. McPhee, Jr., 58; Clarence Manion, 98; Thomas C. Mann, 60; Thomas C. Mann, 90; Henry J. Matchett, 42; Earl Mazo, 52 (permission required); Clifton L. Mears, 73; Livingston T. Merchant, 86; Robert E. Merriam, 209; Henry L. Miller, 58; L. rthur Minnich, 34; J. Bradshaw Mintener, 65 (permission requied); William L. Mitchell, 84; John A. Moaney, 138; Ray Moore, 45; Malcolm Moos, 41 (permission required); Edward P. Morgan, 53; Gerald D. Morgan, 133 (permission required); E. Frederick Morrow, 175; True D. Morse, 114; Robert D. Murphy, 45; Robert D. Murphy, 21; Ancher Nelsen, 34; Arthur Nevins, 87; Herschel D. Newsom, 108; Kennedth D. Nichols, 100 (permission required). Participants, pagination and restrictions continued: Roderic O'Connor, 144 (permission required); Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Oles, 125; Dennis O'Rourke, 41; Don Paarlberg, 164; Hugh A. Parker, 76; Bradley H. Patterson, 65; Hugh Patterson, Jr., 86; John S. Patterson, 54; G.R. Pearkes, 53; Charles H. Percy, 33; Wilton B. Persons, 161; Howard C. Petersen, 69; Lelia G. Picking, 24; Richard M. Pittenger, 37; Sir Charles Portal, 11; H. Jack Porter, 47 (permission required); H. Jack Porter, 53; Terrell E. Powell, 34; Wesley Pruden, 33; Howard Pyle, Jr., and Charles Masterson, 134; Elwood R. Quesada, 88; Maxwell Rabb, 38; Maxwell Rabb, 23 (permission required); Ogden R. Reid, 22; Ralph W.E. Reid, 51; Edward E. Rice, 73; Chalmers Roberts, 36; Charles Roberts, 72; Clifford Robertsd 878 (closed until 1997); Walter S. Robertson, 194; Nelson A. Rockefeller, 40 (closed until 1997); William P. Rogers, 51 (permission required); Robert V. Roosa, 153; Richard H. Rovere, 44; Roy R. Rubottom, Jr., 95 (permission required); Stanley M. Rumbough, 39; Harrison E. Salisbury, 48; Irving Salomon, 39; Leverett Saltonstall, 151; Irene Samuel, 48; Howland Sargeant, 26; Raymond J. Saulnier, 71; J. Earl Schaefer, 38; Leonard Scheele, 44; Raymond Scherer, 54; G. David Schine, 20; Robert L. Schulz, 293 (closed until 1993); Fred C. Scribner, Jr., 83; Stephen Shadegg, 30 (permission required); Bernard M. Shanley, 123. Participants, pagination and restrictions continued: Dudley C. Sharp, 67; James Sheldon, 186 (permission requied); Joseph S. Sheldon, 28; Joseph S. Sheldon, 59; William T. Shelton, 35; James R. Shepley, 39; Robert Lee Sherrod, 52; Allan Shivers, 58; David M. Shoup, 29; Rocco Siciliano, 112 (permission required); William H. Simpson, 127; Ellis D. Slater, 38; Ilene Slater, 58 (permission required); Bromley Smith, 36 (permission required); Howard K. Smith, 44; Merriman Smith, 79; William J. Smith, 90; Robert E. Smylie, 72; Orin Snider, 52; Murray Snyder, 66; Mansfield D. Sprague, 57; Elmer B. Staats, 59; James R. Stack, 132; John H. Stambaugh, 102 (certain pages closed); Maurice H. Stans, 83 (permission required); Harold Stassen, 68 (permission required); John R. Steelman, 89 (closed until 1990); Thomas E. Stephens, 98 (permission required); Robert G. Storey, 65; Lewis L. Strauss, 177; Theodore Streibert, 35; Arthur Summerfield, 93 (permission required); Glenn W. Sutton, 45; D. Walter Swan, 95; Joseph Swing, 76; Robert H. Thayer, 44; Walter N. Thayer, 52; Jessie Thornton, 41; (permission required); Edward J. Thye, 76; Webster B. Todd, 88 (permission required); Thor C. Tollefson, 82 (permission requied); Janet Tourtelotte and Edith Williams, 68 (certain pages closed); Everett Tucker, Jr., 62; Elbert Tuttle, 113; Nathan F. Twining, 250; Wayne Upton, 64; James J. Wadsworth, 248; David W. Wainhouse, 33; Abbott M. and Wanda Washburn, 91. Participants, pagination and restrictions continued: Arthur V. Watkins, 98; Sinclair Weeks, 172; Anne Wheaton, 178; Francis O. Wilcox, 63; E. Grainger Williams, 65; W. Walter Williams, 103 (permission required); Charles F. Willis, Jr., 50; Ray I. Witter, 41; Henry Woods, 56; Henry Wriston, 51; Charles R. Yates, 34; Milton R. Young, 31.

Transcripts: 35,695 leaves.

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